Premier Seniorcare can provide the following:

Assessment & Planning

  • Perform a comprehensive health and psycho-social assessment.
  • Identify and prioritize key concerns on an ongoing basis.
  • Formulate a plan of care that is most beneficial to the patient and family.
  • Use creative problem solving to enhance the quality and efficiency of the care and services being provided.

Care & Monitoring

  • Enable elders to remain safely at home by arranging, instructing and supervising homecare staff.
  • Monitor client’s status and see that all healthcare needs are being met efficiently.
  • Coordinate services and provide continuity of care through effective communication with family members, physicians, caregivers and other providers.
  • Provide medication management.


  • Advocate to maximize quality of care during hospitalizations, discharge planning, rehabilitation and transitioning home.
  • Transport to, assist with, and advocate during medical appointments and provide detailed updates to family members and caregivers.
  • Assist with temporary placement and permanent relocation and facilitate transitions to new settings.
  • Act as a liaison to family members and provide care and oversight when family members or caregivers are far away.
  • Recommend and refer to specialty physicians and other providers to best meet client’s needs.

insurance claim form

Counseling & Support

  • Instruct and counsel regarding advanced directives, health care proxies, and insurance claim forms.
  • Counsel and support regarding end-of-life issues, consulting with hospice providers as needed.
  • Assist with bill paying and other organizational tasks.
  • Review financial and legal issues and refer to appropriate providers where indicated.
  • Arrange and participate in medical-legal consultations with families and local elder law attorneys.